February 2014

The Gospel of Mark – A Question of How to Kill Jesus

Do you remember the board game, “CLUE” and as you moved around the board you came to discover who, where, when and with what a murder took place? This week, Pastor Pete will take us all on a discovery with the clues of Jesus murder already written out for us on the pages of Scripture. Our main source is Mark 14:1,2 with harmony passages in Matthew 26:1-5 and Luke 22:1,2. We will discover: The Minister, The Ministry, The Message, The Multitude, The Motive, The Murderers, The Method, The Messenger, The Moment, and The Murder itself. Sermon Title: “A Question on How to Kill Jesus” (Solving the Murder Plot to Kill Jesus) Mark 14:1,2 – Listen for Life!

The Gospel of Mark – A Question on the Future Part Two

In Part Two of Questions on the future, Pastor Pete shares the words and warning of Jesus to His disciples then and to His disciples now. It has been over 2000 years since the promise of His coming. How much more time do we have to wait? And how will we know when the time is drawing near? We need to look to the times of the signs and the signs of the times, Mark 13:1-37. This strong exhortation from Jesus to His disciples to be watchful has never been more meaningful or more necessary. Watchfulness does not come naturally to the believer. Satan’s objective is to distract and disrupt our ability to see and react clearly. When we keep our eyes and ears open to the signs of the times we will be ready for His soon appearing. Look up, Christian! Your redemption draweth nigh! Listen for Life!

The Gospel of Mark – A Question of the Future

In this week’s message on Mark 13:1-23 Jesus answers two questions from His disciples on the future. When will these things be? (3) Times of the Signs, And, What will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilled? (10) Signs of the Times. What will be some of the previews of coming attractions that will prepare us for the imminent return of the Savior and the end of the world? Like a woman in labor pains, the increasing birth pangs of the earth are announcing the coming tribulation and the second coming of the promised Messiah. Listen for Life! Your life may depend on it!

The Gospel of Mark – A Question of the Greatest Commandment

In Passion Week, the last week of Christ’s life here on earth, Jesus encountered the religious rulers and leaders of His day who’s main objective and desire was to see Him destroyed. Their passion for Christ’s destruction drove them to do what was unconscionable and unforgiveable, to reject and dismiss the Messiah and Redeemer of the world. In this passage, Mark 12:28-44, Pastor Pete shares “The Four Stages Of Life:” from Harlotry to Idolatry. From Philanthropy to right Theology. The unbeliever moves from filling to emptying; the believer moves from emptying to filling. All four groups are plainly seen in this amazing passage. Which one are you? Where do you fit in this amazing story of redemption and changed lives? A question on the Greatest Commandment is answered in the life and teaching of Christ. Listen for life!

January 2014

The Gospel of Mark – A Question on Marriage in the Resurrection

Sometimes the more intelligent we think we are and the more educated we believe we are can get in the way of the reality and truth of how dumb we really are. In the passage Pastor Pete will unpack from Mark 12:18-27 the religious leaders come again to Jesus with the objective to catch Him and trip Him up in His words and point of view. Unfortunately for them, they were clueless about the truth of the Word of God in the topics they were trying to present to Jesus. When trying to win an argument it is always a good idea to know the argument at least as well if not better than your opponent. Jesus shamed them for their ignorance and foolish arguments presented to Him before the people. Jesus said to them, “Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?” (12:24) Look for the practical applications in this hard hitting banter between the ignorant leaders and the Master of thought, reason and truth. Listen for Life!

The Gospel of Mark – A Question of Taxes

In Mark’s Gospel 12:13-17 Pastor Pete shares the story of Christ and His critics. The Pharisees were enemies of the Herodians and yet they partnered up to seek to destroy Jesus. In this passage these two polar opposite groups confront Jesus with the objective of seeing Him fail and fall before the people. They were […]

Looking Forward, Part Two

Nik Wallenda, a tight rope artist, successfully crossed not only Niagara Falls but also the Grand Canyon on a three inch wide cable with up to 30 mile per hour winds threatening to knock him off. Not unlike Mr. Wallenda, we as believers are also walking a tightrope in this life. The high winds of doubt, hatred, anti-Christ and anti-christian dialogue swirling all around us threatening us to lose our hold on the high wire of life. How do we keep our balance and grip on the truth? In this New Year’s Sermon Pastor Pete explains how we can achieve balance in the Christian life even though so many other voices and high winds of the world threaten to push us off our focus. In this second part of a two part series on Looking Forward: Discovering what in the world is a Christian to be and to do, Pastor Pete shares four thoughts to keep us balanced on the high wire. 1.) Look forward with one conduct. 2.) Look forward to one confidence. 3.) look forward to one conviction. 4.) Look backward to one conflict. These four points are taken from Paul’s exhortation to the Philippian church in Philippians 1:27-30. Listen for Life!


What in the world is a Christian and what in the world is a Christian to do when faced with so many conflicting messages from the pages of Scripture and then the pages of our US Constitution? Where and when, if ever, is a Christian supposed to stand up and when should we just remain silent? When should a believer raise his voice in defense of religious, constitutional liberties and when should we just be silent trusting God to have it all pan out in the end? The moral, ethical, theological and political dilemma rages as we look with disdain at one another and criticize either not enough or too much political involvement. Pastor Pete will attempt to make some sense out of this push and pull environment we all find ourselves in and hopefully bring us all to a place where we can stand, truthfully, lovingly on our convictions while at the same time knowing God will work it all out for our good and ultimately for His glory. Listen for Life!

December 2013

“A Life Worth Living”

I wish you could have known her: Frances Ellouise Bowers. She is the inspiration behind this Sunday’s message. She passed away in the local Kingman Hospice House a week before Christmas. Her life was one lived well for the glory of God. A gracious, loving beautiful lady who adored her husband, her children and her ministry to the churches. Both Fran and Andy were church builders for the South West Conservative Baptist Association. They gave their lives to remodeling or building from scratch not just SWCBA churches but any Bible believing, Christ exalting church that needed a hand. This message is her legacy, taken from her Bible it was the message preached on December 28th at 10:00 am. In the message Pastor Pete took from Fran’s Bible these five points: 1.) Your daily diet: What are you feeding your life with? 2.) Your Weekly Worship: What do you live for and worship the most? 3.) Your Monthly heart check-up: What do you love the most? 4.) Your yearly plans and commitments: What do you value the most, and lastly, 5.) Your living legacy: What will you leave behind? This was a quote in her Bible: “Father God, give me an obedient heart and wisdom. Thank you!” – Fran. Listen for LIFE!


Every year, at this same time of the year, as we focus on the reason and meaning of the season of Christ in Christmas we ask ourselves the question why is it so essential to keep Christ in Christmas? This week’s message unwraps the gift of Christ deity wrapped in the flesh of humanity. The great hymn of the faith “ONE DAY” will be the backdrop for a theological overview of Christ’s life, death, burial and resurrection. The gospel good news is all here within the lyrics of this great hymn of the faith. The refrain alone tells the story of the Gospel message of Christmas: “Living He loved me, Dying He saved me, Buried He carried my sins far away, Rising He justified freely forever, One day He’s coming, O glorious day!” The scriptural setting for this message is found in Romans 8:18-39. Listen for LIFE!