October 2015
“Mind Set”
Whatever your mind is 'set' on will determine the outcome of your life. The mind set on the flesh is death, hostility towards God and an inability to follow His commands. But the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. What is your mind set on? We cannot live in both mind sets!
September 2015
Churchianity vs Christianity? Part One
Pastor Pete introduces the third sinner Paul gives definition to in Romans 2:17-3:9. The Striper fish prides himself on his religiosity. He is convinced his religion is righteous enough. As fishers of men how do we catch the Striper alive? In this message on: "Churchianity vs. Christianity - the religious sinner (Romans 2:17-24): the Striper: Part One we throw out the LINE exposing the religious sinners prideful attitude; we set the HOOK exposing the arrogant confidence of the religious sinner; we tie on the SINKER exposing the pompous knowledge of the religious sinner and lastly, we place the live BAIT exposing the embarrassing hypocrisy of the religious sinner. Listen for LIFE!
Whatever Happened to the Truth? Part Four
Pastor Pete completes this section in Romans 2:1-16 on the Reformed Christian, the Rainbow Trout. His goodness is good enough, or so it seems to him. God's justice is according to truth, according to works and according to His righteous impartiality. The verdict is "Guilty as Charged!" Listen for Life!
Whatever Happened to the Truth? Part Three
This is the third of a four-part message on the Reformed Sinner out of Romans 2:1-16. In this section Pastor Pete shares that reformed sinners who think their goodness is good enough will be judged according to truth (2:1-5) according to their works (2:6-10) and lastly, according to God's impartiality (2:11-16). The Rainbow Trout is a hard fish to catch because he sees his own goodness as being good enough and so the line, the hook, the net, the bait and the sinker must be carefully thought out and understood as it is God's intent to catch alive those He has elected to salvation. Listen for LIFE!
August 2015
Whatever Happened to the Truth? Part Two
Last time Pastor Pete introduced the second sinner listed in Paul's doctrinal teaching on Condemnation. The Reformed Sinner prides himself on his goodness being good enough. Likened to the Rainbow Trout, the Reformed Sinner compares his goodness to others who are worse. In this second of three parts Pastor Pete speaks to Paul's doctrinal stance on the NET: "...the righteous judgment of God...according to his deeds." (Romans 2:6-10) How does a person come to faith in Christ for salvation? Listen for LIFE!
Whatever Happened to the Truth? Part One
"Whatever Happened to Truth?" (The "Reformed" Sinner: The Rainbow Trout) Romans 2:1-16 In this message, Pastor Pete will present the state of man who thinks his goodness is good enough. Most of mankind believes God judges on the basis of our good works as compared with others. Our goodness is not good enough when compared to God's goodness. We are judged according to truth, we will be judged according to our works (which are never good enough) and we will be judged according to God's impartiality, for there is no partiality with God. This message will give careful definition to the truth of the gospel. Listen for LIFE!
“Why Mankind Stands Guilty Before A Righteous God” Part Three
In Part Three, of this section on the Rational Sinner (Romans 1:17-32), Pastor Pete compares the rational sinners thinking to bass fishing. The Rational Sinner thinks his reason is reason enough. Jesus calls us to be fishers of men. Satan is also in the fishing business. At birth we are already caught up in the lies and deceit of the enemy and have bought into his lies hook, line, bait and sinker. There is no way to escape the net of Satan apart from the drawing power of the Spirit of God. The Apostle Paul makes his case for the depravity of man that begins with a heart lifted up in pride leading to self-worship and idolatry and from that impurity and from that immorality and from that depravity and the verdict of God giving up on us completely. This is a scary place to be, to be proclaimed reprobate, where God gives us over to our darkened and sin filled hearts and lives. Listen for LIFE!
Why Mankind Stands Guilty Before a Righteous God. Part Two
“Why Mankind Stands Guilty Before a Righteous God” – (The Rational Sinner) Part Two – (Romans 1:17-23) In this second part of the passage, Pastor Pete outlines four major declarations: God’s Anger and Wrath, Man’s Foolish Reason, God’s Revealed Truth and Man’s Foolish Guilt. Salvation is truly a wondrous gift of God. We are wholly unable and unwilling to come to God on His terms. Apart from His drawing grace we would all joyfully choose hell and a life without God’s righteous scrutiny and ultimate judgment. As we approach the doctrine of Condemnation, we must do so humbly and broken over the utter depravity and unrighteousness of our fallen hearts. Only then and if God draws us, can we realize the depths of His grace and mercy and respond to His call on our lives. Listen for Life!
Why Mankind Stands Guilty Before A Righteous God
A person’s theology of sin and salvation speak volumes about what they believe about God and man. Most evangelicals begin their gospel message appealing to man’s felt needs: to be loved, to be needed, to be significant, to need approval. From there a theology is crafted, apart from the true claims of Scripture, that suggest God is responsible to save, redeem, justify and regenerate the fallen sinner. It’s as if sinners are not responsible for “falling into sin,” they are simply victims of the hole Satan and Adam left for them to fall into. If fallen humanity could only know God’s love, mercy, grace and loving-kindness in a non-judgmental, creative and loving presentation of their gospel they would inevitably respond in faith to such a compelling message. Any preaching of the cross, judgment, God’s righteousness, anger, retribution and accounting for sin is soundly rejected as being to condemning and judgmental. Isn’t it interesting, as the Apostle Paul begins this section in his book to the Romans on CONDEMNATION: Romans 1:18-3:20, that he begins with these words: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men…” Was Paul so naïve that he would fail to recognize the obvious marketing mistake? To start with God’s anger might suggest this message of the gospel is all about God and has very little to do with man. In fact, it is God’s righteousness and holiness that is being defended here. It is high time we as professing believers believe the gospel record as it was written and heed its warning for our hearts and lives. In this message Pastor Pete gives four declarations from God and Man’s perspectives, from Romans 1:17-23. Listen for LIFE!
July 2015
GOOD NEWS in a Bad News World: The Power of the Gospel (Part III – C)
As believers we have witnessed the alarming erosion of Christianity in the West. We have witnessed apostasy and the disintegration of the bedrock values that have made this nation great. We hear of more churches closing or in decline than ever before in our nation’s history. We feel as though the church and Christianity has lost its voice, it’s power and influence. We feel that we have become marginalized and deemed irrelevant to our culture. What are we to do? How do we regain what has been lost? How does God restore what the enemy and the locusts have stolen? As the church in America we must faithfully return to the powerful, Spirit filled preaching of the gospel without apology. We must stop apologizing for our faith and we must unleash the truth of God’s holy and powerful Word one word, one verse, one chapter, one book at a time. We must preach the whole counsel of God to anyone who will listen for our God is not intimidated with the news of the disintegration of the evangelical church in the West. He has given us Good News in a bad news world. We have been given the promise of the gospel in Romans 1:1-7; We are called to the gospel in Romans 1:8-15 and we are given the power of the gospel in Romans 1:17,18. Listen for LIFE!