Special Message: “Conversion Therapy” (A Biblical Stance on Sexual Immorality) Selected Scriptures

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Recently a fellow Church and Pastor from Canada has been threatened by the State on preaching on any of the sensitive sexuality issues of the day: Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Pedophilia, etc. Dr. John MacArthur from Grace Church in Southern, California has challenged Pastors and churches to step up and preach in defiance of the State attempting to tell the Church what to preach in our pulpits. This message is a Biblical response and a line in the sand to the State of the right of Churches and Pastor’s to preach on exactly whatever, whenever, however, and to whomever, we please. The message title: “CONVERSION THERAPY” (A Biblical Stance on Sexual Immorality) Selected Scriptures. The Power of the Gospel: Bring it Home as you Listen for LIFE!

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