August 2018

The Sacrifice of Worship

Mark 14:3-9 Views: 136

01935 A Prayer for Instruction – Part Two – Psalm 25:1-22

In Part Two of Psalm 25: Pastor Pete unwraps the heart cry of David as he in turn cries out to God for His forgiveness, instruction, guidance, pardon and request for humility over a heart of pride. Who of us couldn’t benefit from hearing and saying this prayer ourselves? For Goodness Sake, For God’s Sake […]

July 2018

01934 A Prayer for Instruction (God’s Ways in Dark Days) Psalm 25:1-22

01934 A Prayer for Instruction – (God’s Ways in Dark Days) Psalm 25:1-22. Whenever we encounter the worst situations in life many times prayer is one of our last resources. Prayer is communion, fellowship, instruction and guidance from God all rolled into one glorious encounter with God Himself. Like King David, the writer of this […]

01933 The KING of Glory (When Worship is Right) Psalm 24:1-10

True Biblical, Christ centered worship is something every believer should understand and long to experience on a daily basis. The Psalmist understood his own depravity and the desperate need of humanity to come into God’s holy presence rightly as the High King of Heaven. We need to first recognize God’s power, then we need to […]


Jonah was a prophet who lived about the time of king Jeroboam II. (2 Kings 14:25). He occupies a unique place as the first foreign missionary. Jesus attests to Jonah's being in the great fish for three days and nights even as Christ was three days and nights in the grave, and their mutual resurrections. (Matthew 12:38-42) His name means dove, but I will show three other fowl transformations of him.

Apart From Me You Can Do Nothing

John 15:1-5 Views: 190

Summer Soldiers & Persistent Saints

“Sometimes what Jesus said is hard to swallow.”   John 6:60-70 Views: 188

June 2018

How Marriage Teaches Us to Love from Gary L. Thomas’s book: “Sacred Marriage” Chapter Four

This Sunday’s message is a departure from the weekly sermons Pastor Pete preaches week after week. We will be reading from Gary L. Thomas’s book: “Sacred Marriage” Chapter Four: Learning How to Love – How Marriage Teaches us to Love. For every relationship God has given us, learning how to love comes from growing up […]

Theology 301 Pneumatology 2018 Lesson 4

Theology 301 Lesson 4 – How did the Holy Spirit work in the life of Christ: His birth, life, death and resurrection? How is this of essential relevance for the believer in our walk today? Views: 207

NT0670 “A Prayer for Israel” (Israel’s Rejection of Christ) Part One. Romans 10:1-4

NT0670 In this seventieth message in our series in the Book of Romans we enter in to chapter ten of this amazing book. In this chapter we begin with Paul’s presentation of why Israel has rejected the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. We begin with a peek into Paul’s heart for the Jewish people […]