October 2017
This message may be one of the most important messages at Family Bible Church. The very first institution created by God Himself was marriage. Biblical marriage, the home and the family is under attack today. One might ask, ‘WHY?’ Simply put, because it is the very moral foundation of every civilization. A society cannot continue to grow and flourish if marriage and the family are redefined and changed by man. We are reaping the consequences of the foolish recreation, by man, of God’s institutions. Pastor Pete leads FBC in a collective Covenant Marriage rededication service by explaining the meaning of ‘COVENANT.’ He will explain the significance of a blood covenant in the Old and New Testaments. He will teach why the oaths and promises in a covenant marriage are so binding. When we say ‘I Do’ we are essentially extending God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness and His unconditional love. Covenant marriage may be the most powerful illustration of the Gospel message we could ever live out before one another and the world. Bring it Home as you Listen for LIFE!
September 2017
The Edification of the Church
The Lord has ordained a mission for His church and commanded the church to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (Mt. 28:19-20).” This mission was to begin in full after the receipt of the Holy Spirit (empowerment) and was to start first in Jerusalem (home) then move outward into the world (Acts 1:8). Today the postmodern church all too often focuses its efforts regarding “the work of ministry” singularly on the commission of disciple-making, primarily targeting those who are in the world. But in order for the corporate church through its individual members to be an effective disciple maker for the advancement of the Gospel there must first be an unwavering investment inwardly to the body of Christ that is deeply grounded on the foundational rock of truth, which is Scripture. Only from this foundation can genuine edification and equipping of the saints take place for the work of ministry for the glory of the Lord.
August 2017
The Sufficiency of Scripture
Most Christians believe the Bible is true, but what about the sufficiency of the Word of God? Sufficiency of Scripture is one of the biggest battles we face today. IS THE BIBLE ENOUGH? Can the Bible answer all the life questions we have. I say yes.
The Called, the Committed and the Uncomfortable
Tomorrow may be the day that one of us is called to go and tell the world about Him, of what He has done for you, of what it means to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Are you ready? Listen as Reverend Grif Vautier speaks of being called, being committed and being uncomfortable.
Let the Love of Christ Dwell in You Richly
Since we have been raised with Christ, we must set our minds on things above. Loving one another from the heart. Forgiving as the Lord has forgiven us. We are all part of His body, knit together by the love Jesus Christ openly displayed when He stretched out His arms on the cross.
Life Through the Gospel
In who or what are we believing? It is the gospel that brings life to our lifeless, sinful flesh. Deception and captivity come from looking for freedom in things that have an appearance of wisdom, but can not and will not, bring about a change of heart, a change of direction or make on alive to serve Christ. Only the gospel can achieve this!
May 2017
February 2017
January 2017
Annual Family (business) Meeting
2017 FBC Vision Annual Meeting Presentation (1) 2017 Annual Meeting Volunteer Sign Up Sheets BBP Annual report 2017 Budget Pie Chart MBC Staff Report 2017 Mission Commission Report 15 16 youth report Views: 175
September 2016
How Should I Vote on November 8, 2016?
What a mess! Have you ever witnessed such confusion and vitriolic hatred for the upcoming elections? What is a true believer to do when facing the 2016 elections or any election for that matter? Should we just give up sincerely believing God has it all under control and what we do or don't do won't affect the ultimate outcome? What if our vote and our involvement in government really made a difference? Can we just sit this one out believing other candidates and elections will come along where the choices are more palatable to our liking? What are the consequences to our Constitutional Republic if we choose to not get involved? Why are we where we are as a nation? What must the church and individual believer do to make a difference regardless of the outcome? Let's Bring it Home as we Listen for LIFE!