January 2014
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of Taxes
In Mark’s Gospel 12:13-17 Pastor Pete shares the story of Christ and His critics. The Pharisees were enemies of the Herodians and yet they partnered up to seek to destroy Jesus. In this passage these two polar opposite groups confront Jesus with the objective of seeing Him fail and fall before the people. They were […]
December 2013
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True Authority Part Two
In Mark 12:1-12 Jesus gives a pointed parable directed at the Pharisees, Scribes and Religious rulers of the temple in Jerusalem. No truth is spared in letting these hypocritical religious leaders know their sin. Rejecting the Messiah, conspiring to put Him to death, falsely accusing and convicting Him of crimes He did not commit were just a few of their offenses. They, like those who had gone before them, had persecuted, threatened, and even killed the prophets that had been sent to them by God. The practical application for us today is apparent. That even we are guilty of rejecting the Savior and treating Him shamefully. Pastor Pete pleads on Christ’s behalf to be reconciled to God and to not add to our guilt by treating the precious Son of God as did these religious leaders and rulers who surely knew better. May we use more sense as we LISTEN for LIFE!
November 2013
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True Authority
One of the great burdens we carry from day to day is the weight of disgruntled, threatened, unhappy people who seem to delight in making our lives miserable. How do we deal with difficult people, whether it be family, jobs, community or even within our church? In this week’s passage, Mark 11:27-12:12 Pastor Pete unwraps how Jesus dealt with the unhappy Pharisees, Sadducees and Religious leaders in His day, people who questioned His divinity and sovereign authority. Hopefully, the application for our lives will be obvious. Listen for LIFE!
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True Faith and Forgiveness
Last week’s message on hypocrisy in worship is as blatantly and shamelessly out of control today as it was under Jesus ministry 2000 years ago. How does one show truth, integrity and authenticity in their walk with God and Christianity? It is actually very easy to see fruit or the lack of it in a person’s life especially in these two areas of Christianity: Faith and Forgiveness. Jesus teaches His disciples then and now on these two essential graces within the believers life. It is actually impossible to truly have one without having the other. May God open our eyes and ears to see and hear the truth of what is the very essence of Christ Himself and the mission He expects us to unwrap every day we are alive. Listen for LIFE
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of TRUTH
Are you sick and tired of being lied to? Whether it be in the home, in our government, on the job and even within the boundaries of the church it seems we are all infected with lies by the father of lies: Satan. Lest we blame all of our sinful lying on Satan we need to realize that once we are redeemed we have been transferred out from the kingdom of darkness into the realm of God’s light. Truth should be our belt that every other piece of armor hangs. We are tasked to walk in truth, live in truth, speak the truth, be ready for the consequences for living a truthful life. The world in Jesus day killed Him for living and speaking out the truth, as the Way, the TRUTH and the Life. This message examines seven simple questions from the Mark 11:21-22. What are you hungry for? (11:12) What are you living for? (11:13a) What are you hoping for? (11:13b,14) What are you Passionate about? (11:15,16 What are you running from and towards? (11:17) What / Who do you fear? (11:18,19) and lastly, What are the true roots in your life?(11:20-22) Listen for LIFE!
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True IDENTITY
In this week’s message, from Mark’s Gospel chapter 11:1-11, Pastor Pete examines how the people who flocked to Jesus to welcome Him as their sovereign Lord and King one week later flocked to Him to seek to kill Him? Have you ever been mistaken when identifying a person and found out they were not who you thought they were? For three and a half years Jesus had faithfully taught His disciples and the multitudes that had flocked to Him who He was, where He was going and what was going to happen to Him and why, and yet… they still mistook Him and sought to crown Him their King when He had not been received as their Lord. Does this sound familiar even today? We are more than willing to seek out Jesus and even flock to Him when we think there is something in it for us but when we find out this same God expects surrender, sacrifice and even the potential of suffering we back off and back away from this kind of commitment. What if we truly understood not only who God is in Christ but stepped fully in to all He is and asks from us? What would happen then? Listen for LIFE!
September 2013
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True Spiritual Healing Part Two
This week’s message covers Part Two of A Question of True Spiritual Healing, (How to Receive a Spiritual Healing from God) Mark 10:46-52 In Part One Pastor Pete shared true and false conversion insights. In this week’s lesson we will discover even steps to faith as illustrated through the testimony and experience of blind Bartimaeus. Listen for LIFE!
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True Spiritual Healing
In this week’s message Pastor Pete retells the Biblical account of Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. This man’s physical blindness gives us a road map of how to be cured and healed from our spiritual blindness. LISTEN FOR LIFE as we hear seven thoughtful principles for how to receive spiritual healing and salvation in Christ alone. “So Jesus stood still”, Mark 10:49, we are the ones who must move in faith to where He stands acknowledging Him for who He is and seeking His mercy, grace and salvation by faith. Listen for LIFE!
The Gospel of Mark – A Question of True Greatness
Doesn’t it seem that most of us are carried away with a crazy, mad scramble to be first, to get our just and deserved share? We don’t necessarily care if it is a fair share for others as long as we get our piece of the pie. Jesus modeled TRUE GREATNESS best for us through His patient and loving interaction with His disciples when He: 1.) Went up before them (Mark 10:32a) in His Leadership. 2.) Went up with them (Mark 10:32b,33) In His Friendship. 3.) Went up for them (Mark 10:33,34) through His Relationships. 4.) Went up because of them (Mark 10:35-37) in His Ownership, and 5.) Went up as an example to them (Mark 10:38-45) through our Discipleship. The key verse of the book of Mark is found in this section, Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” When we put God first , others second and ourselves last (Jesus, Others, You) this is when true joy and happiness comes into our lives. In this week’s teaching, Pastor Pete shares the servant ministry and example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Listen for LIFE!
The Gospel of Mark – Discovering Buried Treasure
Pastor Pete teaches from Mark’s Gospel, Mark 10:17-31, three questions that all of us need to ask and have answered: 1.) A Question of True Riches, vss. 17-22; 2.) A Question of True Salvation, vss. 23-27; and 3.) A Question of True Rewards, vss. 28-31. If we were to not only hear the questions but listen and understand the answers, from our Lord, we would potentially save much energy and resources in pursuing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons. A Spirit filled focus is essential as we seek to be true followers and disciples of Jesus Christ. Listen for LIFE!