February 2015

Romans: A Peek Inside the Door

Where does one begin when trying to give a proper introduction to such an amazing doctrinal book such as the Book of Romans? In this week’s sermon, Pastor Pete will ask and answer seven fundamental questions to help us take a peek inside this amazing book. Why was the letter written? Who was it written to? What is the theme and simple outline? How does the Old Testament Tabernacle wonderfully illustrate the flow of the book of Romans in: Condemnation, Justification, Sanctification, Consecration and Glorification? What questions does the book of Romans answer for the believer? What made the ministry and legacy of the Apostle Paul so great? Listen for Life!

ROMANS: A Book of Doctrinal Foundations

Do you remember Super Bowl 49? The last play of the game was one for the record books. Some might think it was the worst play in the history of the game. Isn’t it funny what we get so excited about? Many will remember all the stats for either the Patriots or the Seahawks for years to come but after this week Super Bowl 49 will likely become a fading memory. This week Pastor Pete begins another study in one of the greatest books of the Bible: The Book of Romans. Here’s something to get excited about! For over 2000 years this book has been the source of great debates and discussions. It was written by a zealous, educated Jew who hated followers of “the Way”, despised Christ, persecuted Christians and became one of the greatest believers and Christians of all time, from Saul the persecutor to the great Apostle Paul. In this message we will look at why this book is so foundational for our Christian doctrinal teaching and understanding of true salvation and the walk of the believer. This series will be preached throughout 2015 and 2016 every other month in partnership with the Old Testament Book of Psalms. Listen for Life!

You Must See God

saiah really starts his ministry in chapter 6 of his book. He sees the death of what most scholars consider the last good king of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Then has this great vision of God on His throne in the Temple. Sees his own self as God sees him and exclaims "woe is me. I am undone. Convicted, confessed, converted all in one short sentence. Then this newly consecrated man hears the call of God and answers it...

January 2015

Noah’s Ark and Dinosaurs

God’s Word is True; Word for Word and Cover to Cover Views: 116

Two Ways, Two Roads, Two Destinations Part Two

Last time Pastor Pete introduced the first book of Psalms (Psalm 1-41) with Psalm 1:1-6, “Two Ways, Two Roads, Two Destinations” – (The End of the Ungodly and the Way of the Righteous Compared). In this message we concentrate our attention on the characteristics of the way of the Righteous Man who knows God, believes God and follows hard after God. These two messages serve as the Gate Keepers for the rest of the Psalms and a clear Biblical definition of true and false salvation. Which way, which road and which destination are you on? Listen for Life!

Two Ways, Two Roads, Two Destinations

This week we start a new series on the first book of Psalms, Psalm 1-41. Our New Series Title: “The Life of Christ IN the Believer in the Book of Psalms. The Psalms are a synopsis of the first five books of the Pentateuch. In this first section, Psalms 1-41 we see a mirror image of the first book of the Bible in the book of beginnings, Genesis: Man and Creation. The Psalms were set to stringed instruments and served as the Temple Hymnbook and devotional guide for the Jewish people. Psalms means poetry sung to stringed accompaniment. This week we will look at one of the more familiar Psalms or Songs, Psalm 1: “Two Ways; Two Roads: Two Destinations” – (The Way of the Righteous and the End of the Ungodly) We will look at what a godly man does, is like and is before God. Next we look at the contrast of the ungodly man in what he does, what he is like and what will be his end result. This descriptive psalm speaks to the marvelous work of Christ in salvation and regeneration of the true believer. Listen for Life!

An Introduction to the Book of Psalms

In this week’s sermon Pastor Pete introduces what will be MBC’s trajectory for 2015 and beyond. The twin peaks of the Himalaya’s: the Book of Psalms and the Book of Romans. Both books were what God used in Martin Luther’s life to prepare his heart and theology for the Reformation. Prior to Luther’s conversion he taught the book of Psalms at the University of Wittenberg. The Psalms gave Luther his high and exalted view of God as the High King of heaven. The book of Romans gave Luther his proper view of theology, Psalms gave Luther his thunder in preaching and in leading the Protestant Reformation. If a new reformation and revival of the church is to take place in America we desperately need to return to these twin peaks: a high view of God and a proper understanding of theology. These two books will be taught one month at a time, a month on and a month off. January – Psalms; February – Romans. Listen for LIFE!

December 2014

WHO is the Church? – A Spirit of Freedom and Liberty

Throughout this ten week study on What and Who is the Church, Pastor Pete has shared ten secrets to the church of Christ from the pages of Old and New Testament Scriptures. This week’s topic, in answer to the question, What and Who is the Church is: “A Spirit of Freedom and Liberty” – (The Secret to the Law of Love and Grace) from Romans 14:1-15:20. Like so many of the Apostle Paul’s writings he moves logically from principle to practice. We must graciously receive one another, edify one another and please one another. In a world full of conflict, division and disruption even in the Church of Jesus Christ believers must learn how to get along with one another especially in matters of faith and conduct. This is a wonderful spiritual high note to end the year 2014 on. Listen for Life.

WHO is the Church? A Loving, Spirt-Filled Passion and Love for Christ and His Bride, the Church”

The Secret to Loving One Another 31 Day Challenge Views: 136

WHO is the Church? Living a Victorious Spirit Filled Life Part Two

n our current series: What / Who is the Church: Pastor Pete continues with the seventh of ten sermons on How to Live a Victorious, Spirit-Filled Life. (The secret to living in spiritual victory over the world, the flesh and the devil). This message is life lessons from the book of Proverbs. Only the fool despises wisdom and instruction. Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore we must seek wisdom. Where is wisdom to be found? Within the pages of Holy Scripture. We must discipline our minds to read God’s Word, believe God’s Word and see to it we are being obedient to God’s Word. Listen for Life!