October 2020

1689 London Baptist confession of Faith Pt.10

Views: 36

September 2020

Let Freedom Ring Sunday (What Matters Most in the 2020 Elections) Selected Scriptures

What is a Christian to do? What Matters Most? We are called by God to be Christians first and US Citizen’s somewhere down the list in priority. And yet, we live in a Constitutional Republic that has providentially been given to us as U.S. Citizen’s, to hold in check those who have been appointed to […]

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith Pt.9

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith  Views: 34

NT1-4 Sermon #12 “The Boy Jesus” (Chapter One: Good News of Great Joy) Luke 2:41-52

NT1-4 Sermon #12 “The Boy Jesus” (Chapter One: Good News of Great Joy) Luke 2:41-52 In this amazing passage of Scripture we have all there to know, is in any reliable historical record, as to what the childhood and boyhood of Jesus might have been like. As with every revelation, it is all we need […]

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith Pt.8

Views: 83

NT1-4 Sermon #11 “MAGI: Wise Men Still Seek Him!” Matthew 2:1-23

NT1-4 Sermon #11 “MAGI: Wise Men Still Seek Him!” As we continue through the chronological story of Christ in the four Gospel accounts we come on Matthew chapter 2: The visit of the Wise Men, the Flight into Egypt, the Murder of Innocent Children and the Return to Nazareth. Bring it Home as you Listen […]

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith Pt.7

Views: 53

NT1-4 Sermon #10 “By Two or Three Witnesses” (Chapter One: Good News of Great Joy!) Luke 2:21-40

The Scripture’s declare, over and over again, that by the testimony of two or more witnesses a matter is established. The matter before us is of the utmost importance. The historical accuracy and efficacy of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. The decrees and providence of God are […]

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith Pt.6

Views: 43

August 2020

1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith Pt.5

Views: 49