In this third installment, on Romans 12:1,2, Pastor Pete teaches on what it means to be a living sacrifice and to have a transformed mind in Christ. How does a believer renew his or her mind? We already know what it means to be conformed to this world but we desperately need help to know how to be transformed, to think and act like Christ through the renewing of our minds. We will look at the living process of transformation into the likeness when we are Born-Again. It isn’t enough to present our bodies as living sacrifices we must present our minds as well. We have the mind of Christ. The problem is the world wants us not only to agree with them but to also think like they think. Our job, as believers, is to let the mind of Christ come out from us, from the inside out, instead of being intimidated with the world, trying to change our thinking, from the outside in. Bring it Home as you LISTEN FOR LIFE!
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