October 2012

Lessons From the Life of Jepthah – Part Two

Sometimes we don’t see that the hand of God is sovereignly at work and when we do see it we are often blown away at how He does His thing(s). Jephthah is a good example of this principle for us. The least likely man is sovereignly placed by God to deliver God’s people from the hands of the Ammonites. Bet ya he never saw it coming. There are many things that we can learn about God through the life of Jephthah – an unknown deliverer. Listen as Pastor Aaron concludes his message.

September 2012

“You’ve Got to Pass it On”

Main Idea: You have an obligation to draw on Christ’s grace in order to pass on what you have learned to faithful people who will be able to keep passing it on.

Lessons From the Life of Jepthah – Part One

Sometimes we don’t see that the hand of God is sovereignly at work and when we do see it we are often blown away at how He does His thing(s). Jephthah is a good example of this principle for us. The least likely man is sovereignly placed by God to deliver God’s people from the hands of the Ammonites. Bet ya he never saw it coming. There are many things that we can learn about God through the life of Jephthah – an unknown deliverer.

The Gospel of Mark – The LORD of the Sabbath Part Two

The Sabbath principle is one many believers struggle to understand, much less practice. In this second of two parts message, Pastor Pete shares the REST of the story in the teachings of Jesus, having fulfilled the requirements of the Law, Jesus fulfilled the Law. We can therefore rest in the work of Christ and worship the substance of Christ and not His shadow, a day or a list of expectations from men. This by definition is a religion of works. The REST of the story is learning what it means to rest in Christ as opposed to working to attain a works righteousness. Listen for Life!

The Gospel of Mark – The LORD of the Sabbath*

In this message from Mark 2:23-3:5 Pastor Pete shares the difference between the shadows of Christ and the very substance of Christ Himself. Often, in religious exercise we would prefer to worship shadows instead of having to have a personal, intimate ongoing relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. The law and expectations of the law only serve to draw us to Christ and to reveal to us our utter inability to please God on our own. Is the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy a requirement of the church and believer today or is it simply a shadow of Christ Himself who be definition is our Sabbath Rest because He alone is the Lord of the Sabbath. Listen for Life!

The Gospel of Mark – New Wine in Old Bags

How do you respond when under pressure? What do you do when you feel as if your life is ready to explode? Jesus addresses the issue of true and false worship and religion in Mark 2:18-22. What is authentic faith? What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? These are questions people across the world continue to struggle with even today. Within the church of Jesus Christ we seem to drift from one extreme of religion and works faith to another religion of faith and practice. The whole of creation is groaning for redemption. Believer and unbeliever alike can feel the pressure building. In “New Wine in Old Bags” Pastor Pete, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, will open for our understanding the mystery of the matchless distinctiveness of the true gospel. Listen for Life!

August 2012

3 John: Walking in the Truth

It has been said that imitation is the most sincere form a flattery. The problem is that in this world there are many examples to imitate. Even those who are most pious in their walk with the Lord need to admit that there are spots of imperfection in their journey. Nonetheless it is of great benefit for us to find an honorable, Godly example in the committed saints around as well as those who went before us. In the letter of 3rd John we are given some great examples both to follow and also to reject. In this sermon we look at these men in the early church and ask ourselves who we will follow.

The Gospel of Mark – How to Love IRS Agents Part Two

This week Pastor Pete continues the message of Living in the Scandal of Grace.

The Gospel of Mark – How to Love IRS Agents

Pastor Pete shares this week from Mark 2:13-17 the story of the call of Matthew, hated tax collector, to be His disciple. Jesus teaches by His example how to love by faith and how to live within the scandal of His amazing grace. Listen for LIFE!

The Gospel of Mark – Take Up Your Bed and Walk!

This week Pastor Pete unwraps this very special account in the life of Jesus in the healing of the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12. Brought to Jesus by men of faith, lowered through a roof, Jesus touched this man’s paralysis and the man stood and walked. Such brazen vandalism to rip away a roof to get a friend to Jesus for healing! This week we will examine the faith of vandals and vandals of faith. We will answer the questions of who’s who in this Biblical account and discover God’s heart in this miraculous healing. Who’s house, who’s there, who’s preaching, who’s need, who’s faith, who’s forgiven, who’s reason, who’s power, who’s healing and who gets the credit? Listen for LIFE!