June 2018
Theology 301 Pneumatology 2018 Lesson 3
Lesson 3 The symbols and types of the Holy Spirit. Views: 201
NT06-69 “Stumbling Over Christ” (Two Grand Conclusions Regarding Sovereign Election) Romans 9:30-33
NT06-69 In this message Pastor Pete speaks of the two grand conclusions in Romans 9:30-33 regarding sovereign election. “Stumbling Over Christ” is what everyone does both Jew and Gentile. Unless the Spirit of the living God choose us, draw us, save, redeem, regenerate, justify, sanctify and glorify us none of us would be saved. Our […]
Theology 301 Pnuematology 2018 – Lesson 2
In Lesson Two of Pnuematology 301 we will discuss the different symbols of the Holy Spirit and their significance towards a better understanding of the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Views: 167
Theology 301 – Pneumatology – 2018 – Lesson 1
Theology 301 Pneumatology: The Study of the Holy Spirit – Lesson 1 – In this class we will discuss why the study of the Holy Spirit is so essential for living the Christian life. We will discuss who He is and who He is not, His Person and His work: What He Does. We will […]
NT06-68 Children of the Living God (Five Personal Examples of God’s Election) Romans 9:6-29
Pastor Pete continues his study within the series on the Book of Romans on the subject of Election. This extremely difficult doctrine of the Church and the Word is of utmost importance because within this doctrine we see the character and sovereign providence of God in all aspects of salvation. To suggest that we play […]
May 2018
Christology 201 – 2018 – Lesson 4
Lesson 4: The temptation of Jesus Christ, the Death and Atoning Work of Jesus Christ, the validity and significance of the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, the Anointed Offices of Jesus Christ, the Present Day Ministries of Jesus Christ, the Future Reign and Glory of Jesus Christ and a CROSS WORDS puzzle to wrap […]
01932 The Gospel of the Good Shepherd (An Apologetic for the Christian Faith) Part Six Psalm 23:
In Part Six of the series on Psalm 23: we dedicate this message in memory of Chad Davis, a recently passed brother in Christ and faithful member of Family Bible Church. Even though we are two thirds through this series, we break with an overview as an apologetic for the Christian faith, using this amazing […]
01931 Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Part Five) Psalm 23
01931 Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death – (Learning How to Survive Life’s Most Challenging Journey’s) Psalm 23:4 Most of us dread having to be in the dark or having to walk through dark places. The darkness can be very scary and very threatening especially for creatures that live as predators and […]
Christology 201 – 2018 Lesson 3 The Messianic Prophecies and Ministries of Jesus Christ
Lesson 3 of Christology 201 covers the Messianic Prophecies and Ministries of Jesus Christ, Views: 149
Theology 201 – 2018 – Christology – Lesson 2
In this lesson we will look at the Person and Nature of the Lord Jesus Christ in His trinity, deity, virgin birth, incarnation, humanity, divine names, titles, attributes, kenosis, hypostatic union and impeccability. Views: 192