November 2011

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes to the Extravagance of Christ

In this message Pastor Pete wraps up the YES LORD stewardship series with a look at the extravagance of Christ Himself who gave Himself completely for us in pointing all of creation to the glory and majesty of God Himself. A comparison is given between the rich young ruler and the widow who gave all she had. Both, most likely were lost. One withheld all he had and was bankrupt spiritually the other gave all she had and most likely was also bankrupt spiritually. Listen to the tragedy of wasting your life when we have the privilege and opportunity to invest our lives for eternity. We need to say, NO to the poverty of riches and say YES to the riches of poverty. Scriptural support is taken from Mark’s gospel chapter 10:17-13:4.

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes to the MIssion of Christ

In 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9, Paul gives clear principles of being generous towards God. Paul lets believers in Christ know that giving back to God involves the following factors: Giving is sometimes sacrificial or inconvenient, certainly a privilege and responsibility, and always a blessing or benefit. Jesus led the way in showing a life of sacrifice and expects His followers to do the same, and sometimes even giving when it hurts. Giving back to the Lord is a true privilege because when you think about it, we get to give back to God, and it is a responsibility because ministries and advancing God’s kingdom cost money. When we give, God truly blesses our hearts here on earth with the joy of giving, and he rewards us eternally with heavenly rewards.

I Say “Yes Lord!” Yes to the Joy of Christ

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October 2011

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes to the Passion of Christ

What does your passion drive you to do? I know that this is a very broad question that is usually hard for us to answer without some kind of context around it but this sermon is going to confront this possible life altering truth that we can see in the life of Jesus. Pastor Aaron will develop the reasoning that we can see the passion of Christ through the compassion that He freely poured out on the people around Him. There are four different kinds of people that we are going to meet in Matthew 9. In studying these dear, broken lives we might not only come face to face with the needs of our friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives, etc., but God might even develop a passionate life of compassion in us. In doing so, we will say ‘YES!’ to Christ’s passion.

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes, to the MIND of Christ

As human beings, we often find it very difficult to be subservient to others; this is because our egos and pride get in the way. In Philippians 2, we are shown Christ’s kenosis, or emptying of Himself, where Jesus not only became a slave of God but also a slave of sinners! In this lesson, we will explore the “mind of Christ” as it is revealed in the Bible and how Jesus provides Christians a perfect model to become faithful, obedient and serving stewards.

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes to the Will of Christ!

Have you ever thought about God’s Will? In other words have you ever pondered what God wants? To some people this is an easy question to answer but to others it is not so simple. Israel thought they had it all figured out. They reasoned that God was content with their ceremonial actions that they performed in the temple and their festivals that they celebrated at their appointed times. They basically reasoned that as long as they did the “religious stuff” God was appeased. Can you imagine their shock when God voiced His disappointment? God doesn’t want our mindless, heartless actions; especially if they contrast with our lives that we may live outside of the eyeshot or earshot of the church. Our obedience should not be a meaningless attempt to appease Him but rather our true and sincere reaction to ALL that He is. This is the obedience that God longs for; this is true obedience.

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes, to the Blessings of Christ

God gives us HIs blessings - It's all about blessing and being blessed. OBJECTIVE: We should realize we are truly rich so we can bless God.

I Say “Yes, Lord!” Yes to the Body of Christ

Imagine what might happen to the world and to our community if the church of Jesus Christ, His Bride, were to actually say, YES to Him as LORD? In this message Pastor Pete begins an eight week series on stewardship: by definition – taking care of someone else’s property as if it were your own. Pastor Pete speaks to the subject of giving God ourselves. The Body of Christ requires every member of the Body doing its part and share. A theological, practical overview is given over II Corinthians 1:12-24 and I Corinthians 12:1-31. We want to say YES to God in loving God and loving others; and serving God and serving others. The subject of spiritual gifts is presented in order to equip the body to do the work of the ministry.