June 2012

The Gospel of Mark – Demons in the Church? Part Two

In this week’s message Pastor Pete gives the second part of the message: Demons in the Church from Mark’s Gospel chapter 1:21-28. (Exposing Cosmic Authorities; Expecting their Defeat) Three questions will be asked and answered: 1.) How do demons distract and disrupt believers in the church? 2.) How does Christ bring deliverance to His church from demonic activity? And lastly, 3.) How should believers and unbelievers alike respond to the work of Christ in His church?

A Found Son. A Father’s Joy.

Pastor Aaron shares a Father's Day message from the story of the prodigal son.

The Gospel of Mark – Demons in the Church?

This week Pastor Pete takes us into Mark 1:21-28 and the encounter Jesus had in the synagogue with a man demon possessed. In this message we will learn how demons distract and disrupt believers in the church, how Christ brings deliverance to His church from demon oppression and even possession and lastly how believers should respond to the work of Christ in His church. Greater is He who is in us than he (Satan and his demons) who are in the world. As believers we have no need to be afraid or intimidated with Satan and his demonic minions. Satan is alive and well doing his utmost to distract and disrupt the influence and power of God even within His church. Beware and be aware of demonic forces even within the church!

May 2012

The Gospel of Mark – Fishers of Men Part Two

In Part Two of Fishers for Men Pastor Pete reviews what was covered in Part One but proceeds with the seven suggested tips from the Pro – Jesus Christ on what questions need to be asked of a potential fisher of men. These seven principles speak to the simplicity of fishing and the complete and utter dependency on the Spirit of God to draw men to Himself through the fallible but redeemed agency of spirit-filled humans. Happy Fishing!

The Gospel of Mark – Fishers of Men

Have you ever wondered what Jesus meant in Mark 1:17, When Jesus said to them, ‘Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men?” How are men like fish and how would we catch them if we could? There are thousands of approaches to evangelism and fishing for men, what does the Bible say and how did Jesus do it? Learn the two schools of evangelism taught in this passage and the crash course on effective evangelism: LOOK, HOOK, BOOK and TOOK. Pastor Pete shares seven tips from the fishing pro: Jesus Christ on how He fished for men. Get your line, lures, bait and tackle box and let’s go fishing!

The Gospel of Mark – One Tempted in the Wilderness Part Two

This week’s sermon covers the believer’s struggle with sin and temptation and the spiritual arsenal God gives us in His Word and through His Spirit. It is impossible to live the victorious Christian life apart from those two ingredients. Our wrestling against the world, the flesh and the Devil is not with fleshly, temporal means but with the spiritual armor and tools of the Spirit. This is not meant to be an exhaustive study on spiritual warfare but an overview of our options as believers from II Corinthians 10:3-9 and Ephesians 6:10-20.

April 2012

The Gospel of Mark – One Tempted in the Wilderness

This message covers the temptation of Christ in the wilderness in Mark 1:12,13 with the parallel accounts in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13. Pastor Pete covers six practical principles of our Lord’s temptation and our temptations as well. Spiritual warfare is real and Satan and his demons stand ready to see believers fall and fail under a constant flood of temptation. His objective is to ruin the believer whereas God allows the temptations in our lives to build in us character and strength as believers. In this message you will hear: The timing, power source, place, purpose, Tempter, and lastly, the testimony that comes from our temptations. ________________________________________

The Gospel of Mark – One Obedient in the Wilderness

This week’s message on Mark 1:1-11 speaks to the obedience of Christ. Why was it necessary for Jesus Christ to submit Himself to John’s baptism of repentance? Wasn’t Christ perfect, sinless? What then could possibly be the reason for Christ’s insistence on being baptized by John in the wilderness? This was Christ’s first public act that had in attendance all three Persons of the trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This message gives fascinating insight into the mind of Christ and His expectation for each one of us as His followers / disciples.

The Gospel of Mark – One Crying in the Wilderness

In Mark’s Gospel chapter one, verses one through eight, Pastor Pete shares the story of the opening pages of Mark. An introduction to the One Crying In The Wilderness: John the Baptist. The Herald of the New KING! What was John’s ministry and why did Christ Himself refer to John the Baptist as the greatest of all the prophets? In this message you will hear: the best news ever, (1:1a) the best KING ever, (1:1b) the best promise ever, (1:2,3) the best prophet ever, (1:4) the best message ever, (1:5-7a) the best place and job ever, (1:7b) and lastly, the best birthday ever! (1:8). The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel of Repentance that leads to salvation.

March 2012

An Introduction to the Gospel of Mark – Part Five

Pastor Pete begins Mark in chapter one verse one introducing the author: John Mark, his background, his mark on the early church, the key verse and outline for the book, the time of writing, the style and the theme of the book. Why is Jesus Christ seen, in the Gospel according to Mark, as the Servant King and what is the application of the word “Servant” for us today?